Saturday, March 5, 2011

Finally, a post

I haven't posted in a long time, so I'm way overdue. I started a new job 2 weeks ago and I am very overwhelmed with the amount of responsibility I now have. I also have some things going on in my personal life that have me feeling down, so haven't been doing much stitching.
But here is what I've been working on. Mainly I've been working on his cape but it's white and tan so difficult to see the progress I've made.

I was fortunate to win Cathy B's giveaway. These are the L*K seasonal scissor fob patterns. Thank you, Cathy!!
Now I'm going to show you the amount of snow we have. The first picture is my husband standing in our driveway.
Here is a picture taken from the driveway looking at the house.
Spring, please get here soon.
Below are my February goals and amazingly I met them all :)
1. Work on Once Upon A Time - Done
2. Finish a motif on Quaker Halloween - Done
3. Finish a motif on Paradigm Lost - Done
4. Finish Part IV on St. Petersburg White Nights - Done
5. Frame "Friendship" - Done
6. Frame "Noah" - It's at the framer's so I can call it done.
7. Find some Spring/Easter patterns - Done
8. Organize the Christmas Ornies I want to stitch - Done
I still have the "worm" in our network. Sometimes I can leave comments on your posts and sometimes not. Please know I'm reading your posts!!


KarenV said...

Wow, that's a lot of snow! Congratulations on meeting all your February goals. Nice progress on your WIP too.

Lesleyanne said...

Lovely progress on your PR. I love your giveaway prize you won. You have had a LOT of snow. Congrats on your goals.

Catherine said...

Oh my - that is a lot of snow! Reminds me of our snow last year. We did not have as much this year - but, oh, the cold and the winds were bad! Your progress is great - that is going to be one beautiful piece! What cute fob patterns! You know, you'll just have to buy seasonal scissors to match!

Cole said...

Isn't the snow insane??? We've had a crazy amount here too, and it's snowing again today!

Those fobs are so cute! Congrats on your win :)

Lainey said...

Wow that sure is a lot of snow Sue.
Lovely progress on your wip and those charts you won are so cute.
Congrats on meeting your goals, hugs.

Margaret said...

Ok, where do you live? I just looked -- wow! That is a whole lot of snow! And none of it has melted yet? We had a lot too, but not that much, and tons of it has melted now. I hope yours melts soon too. That's ridiculous! I guess you can't look out your basement windows?

Lovely stitching too! And nice prize you won!

Unknown said...

Congratulations on finishing your February goals!! Your piece is looking better and better. My son, who lives in Maine, has told me about youralls snow, but a picture is much more effective. WOW!!

Myra said...

I can't even imagine that much snow. I hope spring comes soon for you too. Congratulations on your win - those are such cute fobs. Your WIP is gorgeous! I hope "life" slows down a bit for you soon.

Sally said...

Your WIP is beautiful.

Congratulations on winning the fob charts. They are so cute.

Now that's a lot of snow!

I hope you're feeling brighter soon {{{hugs}}}

Brigitte said...

Oh my gosh - you still have these heaps of snow. Unbelievable. But I hope that the sun will be burning it all away as soon as possible.
Great WIP!

Carol said...

That is a crazy amount of snow!! I thought ours was bad last winter, but it wasn't nearly that high :)

Love your little LK fobs--you'll enjoy stitching them, I'm sure... And your WIP is really coming along nicely!

incucinacongliamici said...

Wonderful imagine!
Very very beautiful!
kiss dedda

BrendaS said...

Nice progress on your WIP and a great giveaway from Cathy B.

I'm so ready for Spring too! Most of our snow is melted, I hope yours melts soon too.

Have a good week.

Pumpkin said...

Your couple is looking good :o)

Lucky you!!!! All four!

Boy, you do have a lot of snow. Our ground isn't even frozen and the snow is pretty much gone :o)

Joysze said...

Hi! Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my blog. I'm happy you did cos it means I made a new "bloggy" friend. :D

WOW!!! That's a lot of snow! I hope you see Spring soon. I love all your WIPs, and look forward to seeing them grow.

Love your St. Pete. It's fabulous against the blue opal. BTW, if you need cheering on, check out We'd love to have your company. :)

Siobhán said...

Oh my gosh! What a ton of snow!!

Lovely WIPs, they look great! I hope that things settle down for you. Hang in there!

Ruth said...

Such beautiful stitching! Here's hopig the rest of life starts cooperating for you as well as your needle has been. :) Enjoy that snow!